_Responsibility & Sustainability

When the whole world is changing, we face new challenges and have to adapt.
Luckily, being agile is one of our best qualities.

We have many ideas on how to contribute to the better future
and well-being of communities we affect and depend on.

_Digital Transformation goes hand in hand with Responsibility & Sustainability

Responsible entrepreneurship is one of our business goals & aspirations. Learn more about what we do as a team to support what matters to us.

Discover our goals

Reducing our ecological footprint

Empowering people to grow better together

Promoting physical and mental health

Supporting those in need

array(6) { ["discover_heading"]=> string(36) "Discover more in our ESG Report" ["discover_text"]=> string(210) "

Check out who we are, what values we are driven by, how we influence the environment and society.

" ["discover_button_2022"]=> string(24) "Download ESG Report 2022" ["discover_file_2022"]=> string(73) "https://ttpsc.com/wp3/wp-content/uploads/pdf/TTPSC-ESG-raport-EN-2022.pdf" ["discover_button"]=> string(24) "Download ESG Report 2021" ["discover_file"]=> string(73) "https://ttpsc.com/wp3/wp-content/uploads/pdf/TTPSC-ESG-raport-EN-2021.pdf" }

_Discover more in our ESG Report

Check out who we are, what values we are driven by, how we influence the environment and society.

Download ESG Report 2022 Download ESG Report 2021

_Focus areas & actions

Environmental impact

Saving resources

Reduced consumption of office space, supplies, energy, and water

Greener office

E-documents, E-signatures, using Eco-Friendly paper

Sustainable workspace

Waste sorting and recycling, water dispensers in every office

Technologies for the future

Purchasing hybrid cars and investing in photovoltaics

Eco Month

An event focused on education, lectures & workshops for employees

Conscious Community

Women in Power

An internal community supporting women in professional growth and developing competencies


Cooperation with Universities, summer internship program

Internal knowledge exchange

Digital Transformation Lunch’n’Learn sessions and Lightning Talks

Supporting employee’s development

Access to training programs and e-books, language lessons co-financed by the company

Work-life integration

Family-focused events and activities

Health & Well-being

Health month

Lectures & meetings, raising awareness about preventive healthcare

Mobility & training

Rehabilitation and online sports activities for employees

Mental health

Free sessions with a psychologist


Flu & Covid-19 vaccinations for the employees

Staying active together

Sports teams & TT PSC Running Family- encouraging people to stay active, boosting team spirit

Contribution to society


Cooperation with local foundations and animal shelters

Food sharing

Reducing food waste in our offices


Fundraising events and local initiatives in different cities

MoveIT Challenge

Employees burn calories together to raise money for the charity of their choice. After the first challenge, we supported Gajusz Foundation with 10,000 PLN


Support for the hospital in need, 100 000 PLN donated in 2020

Let’s get in touch

Contact us