The Controller of your personal data is Transition Technologies PSC S.A. with its registered office in University Business Park, Building B, Wolczanska Street 180, 90-530 Lodz, entered in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register (KRS) under number 0000930989, tax ID number (NIP): 7292712388, statistical registration number (REGON): 365249538, with the share capital of PLN 1,468,800.00, fully paid, whose registration files are kept by the District Court for Łódź-Śródmieście in Łódź, Business Division XX for National Court Register.

You can contact the Data Controller by way of:

  1. traditional mail at: University Business Park, Building B, Wolczanska Street 180, 90-530 Lodz;
  2. electronic mail at:;
  3. telephone at: +48 661 799 553;
  4. Data Protection Inspector: Bartosz Starzomczyk;

Detailed policies regarding the processing of personal data, regarding cookies and the regulations for the provision of electronic services you can find below: