_Cloud Cost Optimization

Maximize the value of your cloud investments


The cloud changes not only the way of designing and delivering IT solutions but also significantly affects the processes and financial aspects that should be adopted. Low awareness of the necessary changes in the technological and operational area related to the implementation of the cloud often results in an overstated cost of use.
Too high costs of resources
Many technical, product and cloud teams can provision IT infrastructure and services automatically and almost autonomously, therefore generating costs immediately - without Finance Department acceptance.
Overcomplicated cloud pricing plans
The cloud is constantly evolving, new services appear all the time, as well as changes in pricing plans – and there are many pricing models as well.
Lack of full visibility into cloud usage & related costs
Without the right tools and knowledge, large organizations struggle to gain appropriate insights. Especially ones with many branches scattered around the world.
Multi-cloudines makes cost control difficult
The way the cloud works and its properties allow many people inside the organization to provision new resources. Additionally, multiply challenges in control by 2 or 3 when the organization uses more than 1 cloud.

_Cloud Cost Optimization Offer

Control and cost reduction are some of the most important factors driving many companies that use the cloud. Without proper care and action, cloud service bills will unnecessarily increase.
61%* of companies plan cloud costs optimization but 49%* struggle to get cloud spendings under control.
* Anodot: 2021 State of Cloud Cost Report
According to Gartner, global end-user expenditure on cloud infrastructure services increased by 18.4%, (equivalent to $304.9 billion), in 2021.
Cloud providers offer multiple levers to optimize. On-demand capacity is the most expensive.
To encourage advanced reservation planning and increased commitment, cloud providers offer discounts for commitments that typically involves complex calculations for making reservations. Not all resources are always necessary, and their respective replacement, repair, or even disabling them, can bring noticeable financial benefits.
You don't have to specialize in ways of cloud cost optimization.
We can help you by full analysis of your environments and applications, indicating areas that need improvement.
Whether you’re using Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform, let us find savings ranging from 20% even up to 70 – 80%.
We always consider individual needs and compliance with business strategy. Detailed planned activities will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your environments.

_Our approach and project categories

We recommend splitting our activities into 3 categories of actions to get things started quickly and see the immediate results.
Fast and simple

In most cases, this category concerns misconfigured or completely redundant resources but does not affect the solution architecture. The turnaround time is days, and sometimes just hours. Very often, we can see the effect of lower costs the next day.


  • Configuration changes
  • Costs avoidance
  • Elimination of waste
Days - Weeks

In that category, we face problems that require more planning. Additional analysis of the potential impact on other components or services of the organization is often required. This is especially important in the case of irreversible operations, e.g., termination of potentially redundant resources that were initially uncertain. For this reason, we can expect cost reductions within days or weeks.


  • Service substitution
  • Elimination of waste
  • Rightsizing
Weeks - Months

This category always requires significant changes to the architecture of a solution that are never quick or easy to implement. Hence, a work period of several weeks must be considered before the estimated savings are achieved.


  • Implementing the Cloud Native concepts like Serverless
  • Migration of Lift&Shift to more elastic architectures
  • Spot Instances implementation

_Cloud Services

Cloud Migration
Move your workloads to the cloud and see how your business moves ahead of your competition.
Cloud Application Development and Modernization
Build a solution that uses the cloud’s full potential and go ahead thanks to its capabilities.
Cloud Cost Optimization
Get maximum business value with cloud costs under control.
Cloud Managed Services
Ensure smooth and uninterrupted operation of your infrastructure with the help of experts.
Cloud Security
Get access to the safest data center solutions without the need to maintain costly infrastructure.
Cloud Integration
Break down software silos by seamlessly combination of different cloud-based systems into an integral whole.

_What are the benefits of combining cloud power with business initiatives?

Significantly reduced cloud usage costs
You get cut cloud resource waste by carefully choosing, deploying, and scaling the cloud resources.
Better business value
With your business goals in mind, we will point to the areas worth investing in and developing, and identify those areas that generate unnecessary costs.
All clouds under control
We will analyze cloud environments, multi-cloud too, for performance and needs, and then adjust them to deliver more value at optimized costs.
Increased cloud costs visibility
Cost optimization affects the financial and operational aspects of the company. Helps increase visibility and identify idle resources. In addition, it can help increase company profits when cloud spending is monitored and organized.
Improving cloud usage
As a result of cost control, unwanted cloud expenditures are reduced while cloud savings can be used for other resources.
Productivity and innovation supported
Cloud-optimized companies empower employees to make productive choices. Optimization of cloud costs by us also saves your employees time so that they can focus on developing other aspects of your business.


_What is our approach?

Interview and workshop with a Customer
Decision Point on next steps and project category
Analysis of results
Workshop on audit results and recommendations
Initial environment assessment
Launch of automatic discovery tools
Report preparation
Interview and workshop with a Customer
Initial environment assessment
Decision Point on next steps and project category
Launch of automatic discovery tools
Analysis of results
Report preparation
Workshop on audit results and recommendations

_Take full control of your spending in the cloud. Start cutting costs today!

Set up an appointment with us for a short, non-binding conversation, during which we will determine together how to optimize your cloud.

_Selected services and solutions supported by cloud

PLM in the Cloud
Cloud hosting as a way to increase system efficiency, resource scalability, and faster response to failures.
Energy Advisor for Manufacturing
The solution that enables manufacturing companies to control energy consumption and its costs during the production process.
AI Data Discovery
Service that can drive organizations to adopt advanced AI-based analytics.
Customized solutions across industries and expert advice to help companies protect themselves against cyber attacks.
IoT & PLM Managed Services
Access to high-tech solutions to support quality process control.
Demand Forecasting and Warehouse Optimization
Predict future inventory needs and increase efficiency in the warehouse.
Data visualization and reporting
Filter out the irrelevant information in your raw data and get the most important and relevant metrics, so you can always focus on what really matters.


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We are really happy that we did it and it was definitely a healthy investment during the past few months.

Philip Morris International appreciates the TT PSC's contribution to our activities.

The cooperation on the project went seamlessly and showed the great business potential of cloud solutions.

Project Team

Morris logo
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The team at TT PSC are true professionals.

While working with them for nearly a year in migrating our PLM system to their managed service (on AWS) and developing enhancements to the applications they have demonstrated a commitment to our success and satisfaction.

Most impressive is their cooperative and transparent approach to guiding us through the process as well as the depth of their knowledge in both our applications and the infrastructure needed to support those. I look forward to continuing to work with them through our PLM and Digital Transformation journeys.

Marc Beneteau, PMP

Senior Project Manager

Marc Beneteau photo
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Transition Technologies PSC is our trusted and proven partner for IT solutions, implementation, and modification.

Cooperation is very professional and the collaboration helped us to release a cutting edge and reliable product suite to the market.

ESAB, with Transition Technologies PSC’s assistance, is creating a novel platform that improves our customers’ quality, efficiency and traceability day by day. We recommend cooperation with Transition Technologies PSC.

Eyal Shahar

Director, Cloud Products and Services

Eyal-Shalar photo

_Success Stories

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