_Regulation for the provision of electronic

provided by Transition Technologies

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_Regulation for the provision of electronic

  • § 1 Preliminary provisions and definitions

    1. These Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”), available at https://ttpsc.com, fulfilling the obligation under Article 8(1)(1) of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means, set out the rules for the provision by Transition Technologies PSC S.A. (S.A. is a short name of polish joint-stock company), here referred to as TT PSC or Service Provider; based in Łódź of the services described in the Regulations for the provision of services by electronic means, activation and deactivation of the Services and the complaint procedure for persons using these Services.
    2. Terms used in these Regulations mean:
      1. Individual Consultation - an online meeting or call of up to 30 minutes between a representative of the Service Provider and the User, organized as part of the provision of the Individual Consultation Service, aimed at providing basic information by a representative of the Service Provider on the operation of solutions and services from the offer of TT PSC.
      2. Consumer - a natural person making a legal transaction with an entrepreneur that is not directly related to his economic or professional activity.
      3. Account part of the Site with a set of IT solutions that allow logged-in Users to use the Resources Service.
      4. SoundCloud Platform - a hosting service provided by SoundCloud® that allows audio tracks to be uploaded, posted, shared and distributed by Users of the platform, located at the following link: https://soundcloud.com/.
      5. Podcast - audio content that constitutes an individual voice/sound publication. A Podcast may consist of one or several episodes (series).
      6. Registration - the creation of an Account on the Site in order to use the Resources Service, consisting of completing and approving the registration form in accordance with the instructions; the User, after completing the Registration and accepting the Regulations, will be given the opportunity to log in to the Site.
      7. Business E-mail Address - an e-mail address associated with a company domain or embedded on a company domain and indicating the use of the Service in the course of business or professional activity by the User or the entity of which the User is a representative.
      8. Site - the website managed and operated by the Service Provider, located at the following address https://ttpsc.com/en/, https://ttpsc.com/pl/ and its subdomains.
      9. Service Provider or TT PSC - Transition Technologies PSC Joint Stock Company with its registered office at University Business Park, Building B, Wolczanska Street 180, 90-530 Lodz, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court for Łódź – Śródmieście in Łódź, XX Economic Division of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000930989, REGON: 365249538, NIP: 7292712388, share capital of PLN 1,468,800.00 paid in full; e-mail address contact@ttpsc.pl.
      10. User - in the case of Services, other than the Service for Job Candidates – means only a natural person, a legal person, an organizational unit without legal personality conducting business activity or a person who is a representative of such an entity, using the services provided electronically by the Service Provider, available on the Site, in connection with his/her business or professional activity, on his/her own behalf or of the entity of which he/she is a representative, and in the case of the Service for Job Candidates – means an adult natural person using the Service for Job Candidates, available on the Site.
      11. Act - means the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services.
      12. Survey Service - means a service that consists of providing the User with a survey to be completed free of charge, aimed at developing or improving the services provided by TT PSC and customizing sales offers to meet individual customer or market needs.
      13. Service Contact Form or Contact Form - means a service that consists of providing Users with a form to contact the Service Provider free of charge in order to obtain information from the Service Provider, in particular about the offer, availability and scope of services provided by the Service Provider.
      14. Individual Consultation Service - means a service which consists of enabling the User to make an appointment for one free Individual Consultation.
      15. Downloadable Content Service - means a service that provides the User with free downloadable information materials (digital content) related to the Service Provider’s offerings and digital technologies for industry or business.
      16. Newsletter Service - means free of charge, periodic sending to the Users, after their prior consent, to the electronic mail addresses (e-mail address) indicated by them, in the form of electronic message, information about activities, services and products offered by the Service Provider.
      17. Podcast Service - means a service that consists of providing Users with free access to listen to Podcasts thematically related to the Service Provider’s offerings and digital technologies for industry or business.
      18. Resources Service - free provision of information materials to the User regarding the products and services offered by the Service Provider, as well as the transmission of information regarding the materials provided on the Site and the Service Provider’s activities to the e-mail address, described in § 7 of the Regulations.
      19. Provision of services by electronic means - the performance of a service provided without the simultaneous presence of the parties (at a distance), through the transmission of data at the individual request of the recipient of the service, sent and received by means of devices for electronic processing, including digital compression, and storage of data, which is entirely transmitted, received or transmitted via a telecommunications Network.
      20. Telecommunications network - transmission systems and switching or routing devices, as well as other resources, including inactive network elements, which enable the transmission, reception or transmission of signals by wire, radio waves, optical waves or other means using electromagnetic energy, regardless of their type.
    3. These Regulations specify:
      1. rules for the use of electronically provided Services available on the Site, including, in particular, the rights and obligations of the Service Provider and the User;
      2. regulations for the conclusion and termination of the Service Agreement;
      3. the scope and type of Services provided online on the Site;
      4. complaint procedure.
    4. The Service Provider shall provide Services electronically in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and the Law.
    5. The Service Provider shall make the Regulations available to the Users free of charge prior to the conclusion of the contract for the provision of Services by electronic means and shall ensure that the User has full access to the content of the Regulations.
    6. You are required to read these Regulations before using the Services. Use of the Services constitutes acceptance of the provisions of the Regulations.
    7. By using the Services, you represent that:
      1. the data provided are in accordance with the facts and do not violate any rights of third parties,
      2. is of legal age and authorized to enter into a contract for the provision of Services,
      3. undertakes not to provide content of an unlawful nature, as well as to provide data of other people, without their consent.
  • § 2 Scope of services provided

    1. Through the Site, the Service Provider provides the Services described in the Regulations.
    2. Content made available on the Site is the sole property of the Service Provider. Graphic elements and content made available as part of individual Services are subject to copyright or other rights vested in the Service Provider or third parties and are protected by law. Any copying, modification, distribution and use of them in a manner contrary to their purpose and/or without the consent of the Service Provider is prohibited.
    3. If necessary for the performance of the contract, the Service Provider shall grant the User a royalty-free, non-exclusive and territorially unlimited license to use the content referred to in paragraph b) above in accordance with the rules set forth in the Regulations.
  • § 3 Regulations of service

    1. Use of the Services available on the Site under these Regulations requires:
      1. access to a device that allows the use of the Internet,
      2. having an electronic address (e-mail),
      3. using a web browser that gives the ability to view web pages, PDF files, with cookies enabled,
      4. use of a device (e.g., a computer) equipped with the ability to generate sound (speaker or, for example, the ability to plug in headphones, etc.) when using the Podcast Service,
      5. in the case of the Resources Service – Registration on the Site and creation of an Account,
      6. with the exception of §9 regarding job applicants, having a Business E-mail Address.
    2. The Service Provider stipulates that the Services provided under these Regulations, with the exception of the Job Candidate Service, are not directed to Consumers.
    3. The Service Provider reserves the right to:
      1. refuse or discontinue the provision of Services in the event that the User violates these Regulations or the provisions of generally applicable law, or takes such actions by the User that interfere with the uninterrupted use of the Services on the Site by other Users,
      2. refusal to provide the Services if the User provides erroneous or false data necessary for the provision of the Services,
      3. temporary or permanent discontinuation of the Services, due to maintenance activities or related to modification of the Site.
      1. Users who use the Services through the Site are required to:
      2. refrain from sending offensive content, illegal content, content that violates the personal rights of third parties, as well as copyrights and the image of third parties,
      3. use the Services in a manner consistent with the law, morality, not violating the personal rights of the Service Provider,
      4. refrain from using the Services to publish advertisements and information of a commercial nature, including, in particular, by sending unsolicited commercial information, take any action that may hinder or disrupt the operation of the Site.
    4. In connection with the User’s use of the Site, the Service Provider collects data to the extent necessary to provide the Services. Full information regarding the processing of personal data is described in the "Privacy and Data Protection" section where there is a tab "Policies and Regulations" and "GDPR Clauses".
    5. The Service Provider informs that the use of services provided electronically may involve risks. Possible risks associated with the use of the Services and the technical measures available to Users to minimize them are described in the Information on Specific Risks Associated with the Use of Services Provided Electronically, attached here to as Appendix No. 1.
    6. Information about the function and purpose of software or data that are not a component of the content of the Services entered into the information and communication system used by the User (cookies), is contained in the Cookies Policy at the link: https://ttpsc.com/en/cookies-policy/.
  • § 4 Contact Form

    1. The Contract for the Contact Form Service is concluded for a definite period of time and is terminated upon sending a response to the User’s inquiry that was made and sent via the Contact Form located on the Site.
    2. The conclusion of the contract for the Contact Form Service occurs when the User activates the “Send” button, after the fields of the Contact Form have been properly filled in, i.e. by:
      1. providing personal data required by the given Contact Form, i.e.: first name, last name, business e-mail address and optionally: contact phone, company name, country, business position,
      2. entering the contents of the request,
      3. ticking the check button about reading and accepting the Regulations, Privacy Policy and reading the GDPR information clause.
    3. Completion by the User of the actions indicated in paragraph 2 above, is equivalent to:
      1. Your consent to the provision of the Contact Form Service electronically,
      2. familiarization with and acceptance of the principles of personal data processing contained in the GDPR information clause,
      3. familiarizing yourself with the Regulations and Privacy Policy and accepting them.
    4. The User has the right to cancel the Contact Form Service before receiving a response to a submitted inquiry.
    5. Cancellation of the Contact Form Service, referred to in point d) above, consists in sending a statement of cancellation of the Contact Form service to the Operator at the following email address: contact@ttpsc.com from the electronic address (email) that was submitted in the Contact Form.
  • § 5 Newsletter

    1. Provision of the Newsletter Service consists of sending the User free of charge, cyclically in the form of an electronic letter via e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the User and after prior consent to use this Service, information about activities, services and products offered by the Service Provider.
    2. The Newsletter Service is provided for an indefinite period of time, subject to point f) below.
    3. The newsletter contains informational, promotional or advertising content Provider.
    4. Signing up for the Newsletter and agreeing to receive it is equivalent to concluding an agreement for the Newsletter Service. In order to activate the Newsletter Service, you must:
      1. have an active Business E-mail Address,
      2. use a device that has access to the Internet with an installed and properly configured current version of a web browser,
      3. place an order by providing in the electronic form available on the Site your e-mail address and other required data,
      4. accept the Regulations by checking the checkbox next to the message "I accept the Regulations of the Newsletter Service",
      5. activate the “Subscribe” button.
    5. Activation of the Newsletter Service is equivalent to:
      1. User’s consent to the Service Provider’s provision of the Newsletter service electronically;
      2. familiarization with and acceptance of the principles of personal data processing contained in the GDPR information clause,
      3. read and accept the Regulations and Policies.
    6. The User may deactivate the Newsletter Service at any time, which is equivalent to immediate termination of the Newsletter Service Agreement.
    7. In order to deactivate the Newsletter Service, click the link with the content “Unsubscribe” included in the footer of the Newsletter.
    8. Graphic elements and content of the Newsletter Service are subject to copyright or other rights vested in the Service Provider or third parties and are protected by law. Any copying, modification and use of them in a manner inconsistent with their purpose and/or without the consent of the Service Provider may constitute a violation of the law.
    9. The Service Provider grants the User a royalty-free, non-exclusive and territorially unlimited license for the duration of the Newsletter Service, allowing the use of the works contained in the Newsletter to the extent of recording the work by saving it in the memory of the device.
  • § 6 Podcast Service

    1. Provision of the Podcast Service consists of providing Users with free access to listen to podcasts thematically related to the Service Provider’s offerings and digital technologies for industry or business.
    2. The Service will be provided after the User has signed up via the form located at the link https://pc.ttpsc.com/it-service-management-od-podstaw/ for an indefinite period of time.
    3. Subscribing to the Podcast Service is tantamount to entering into an agreement for the provision of the Service.
    4. In order to subscribe to the Podcast Service, you must:
      1. have an active Business E-mail Address,
      2. use a device that has access to the Internet with an installed and properly configured current version of a web browser,
      3. complete the electronic form available on the Site;
      4. accept the Regulations by checking the checkbox next to the message: “I have read the Privacy Policy and the Regulations for the provision of electronic services and the information clause and accept their content “,
      5. Activate the “Send” button.
    5. Activation of the Service is equivalent to:
      1. The User’s consent to the Provider’s electronic provision of the Podcast Service;
      2. familiarization with and acceptance of the principles of personal data processing contained in the GDPR information clause,
      3. read and accept the Regulations and Policies.
      4. acceptance of the terms of use of the SoundCloud Platform – available at the link: https://soundcloud.com/terms-of-use.
    6. The Service Provider represents that it provides the Podcast Service through the SoundCloud Platform, and the User agrees to comply with the terms of use of the SoundCloud Platform referred to in point e.4 above and is aware that the SoundCloud Platform may collect his/her personal data independently of the Service Provider.
    7. Podcasts will be made available to the User by sending a link to the Podcast, located on the SoundCloud Platform, to the User’s e-mail address indicated in the form referred to in point b) above.
    8. The User has no right to send or otherwise share the link with third parties, download, save, record or modify podcasts.
    9. The User has no right to send or otherwise share the link with third parties, download, save, record or modify podcasts.
    10. Podcasts are subject to copyright or other rights of the Service Provider or third parties and are protected by law. Any copying, modification and use of them in a manner inconsistent with their purpose and/or without the consent of the Service Provider may constitute a violation of the law.
    11. The User may cancel the Podcast Service at any time, which is equivalent to immediate termination of the Service Agreement.
    12. In order to resign from the Podcast Service, please send an e-mail to: contact@ttpsc.pl containing a statement of resignation from the Podcast Service.
  • § 7 Resources service

    1. The service is available only in English.
    2. The provision of the Resources Service consists of:
      1. to enable the User, who has registered and created an Account, free of charge, to access and search for informational materials concerning the products and services offered by the Service Provider; and
      2. providing information to the User’s e-mail address indicated at Registration regarding new materials made available on the Site and the Service Provider’s activities in which the User may be interested based on the areas of interest marked by the User on the Site.
    3. The Resources service is provided for an indefinite period of time, subject to point j) below.
    4. Registration on the Site implies the User’s consent to use the Resources Service, including the collection of information about the User’s area of interest and the sending of information regarding the Service Provider, changes in the materials available on the Site to the e-mail address provided.
    5. The Service Provider shall not use the information about the indicated areas of interest for purposes other than those indicated in point b) above, and in particular shall not transfer it to other entities or provide the User with any advertising information other than regarding the Service Provider’s products, services and activities contained in the materials provided.
    6. In order to activate the Resources Service, you must:
      1. Have an active Business E-mail Address,
      2. use a device that has access to the Internet with an installed and properly configured current version of a web browser,
      3. make a Registration in order to create an Account,
      4. accept the Regulations by checking the box next to the message confirming that you have read the Policies ą and Regulations for the provision of electronic services and the information clause and accept their contents,
      5. Activate the “Register” button.
    7. During Registration, it is necessary to provide the Business E-mail Addres with which the User will log on to the Site and to which the User will receive information from the Service Provider, the first name, surname and company name of the User or the entity of which the User is a representative. Providing the data indicated in the preceding sentence is necessary to provide the Service electronically. The User may also provide his/her telephone number and the country in which the User uses the Service (optional). Registration requires indicating at least one area of interest of the User. Areas of interest may be changed after logging into the Account.
    8. The Service Provider reserves the right to disallow the Registration in the case of providing an e-mail address that is not associated with any business entity or does not indicate the use of the Service in the course of a business or professional activity by the User or the entity of which the User is a representative, in particular, an e-mail address established on publicly accessible websites. In the case of refusal of Registration, the User will receive an automatic notification to the rejected e-mail address, and the Service Provider will remove this e-mail address and other data entered for the purpose of Registration associated with this e-mail address from the Site.
    9. After registration, the User will receive a message to the designated Business E-mail Addres containing a link opening the possibility of setting a password on the Service. From the moment the password is set, a Resources Service Agreement is entered into between TT PSC and the User under the terms of the Terms of Service.
    10. After registration, the User will receive a message to the designated Business E-mail Addres containing a link opening the possibility of setting a password on the Service. From the moment the password is set, a Resources Service Agreement is entered into between TT PSC and the User under the terms of the Terms of Service.
    11. Failure to set the password within 72 hours of receiving the link will result in the deletion of the Account.
    12. Activation of the Resources Service is equivalent to:
      1. consent of the User to the provision of Resources electronically by the Service Provider;
      2. familiarization with and acceptance of the principles of personal data processing contained in the GDPR information clause,
      3. read and accept the Regulations and Policies.
    13. You may deactivate the Resources Service at any time by deleting your Account on the Site, which is equivalent to immediate termination of the Resources Service Agreement.
    14. In order to deactivate the Resources Service, you must delete the Account from the Service yourself by selecting “Delete account” and then confirm the deletion of the Account by indicating the e-mail address with which you logged into your Account and clicking “Confirm”.
    15. The Account will be removed no later than 24 hours from the date of confirmation by the User of the desire to remove the Account.
    16. Once the Account is deleted, the User loses the ability to use the Resources Service and the Service Provider stops sending information to the User’s e-mail address and deletes the User’s personal data collected for the purpose of providing the Resources Service.
    17. Re-activation of the Resources Service is possible only by re-registering on the Site and creating an Account.
    18. The Service Provider grants the User a royalty-free, non-exclusive and territorially unlimited license for the duration of the Resources Service, permitting the use of the works contained in the Resources Service to the extent of recording the work by saving it in the memory of the device.
  • § 8 Individual Consultation Service

    1. The Service Provider provides the User with the opportunity to schedule an Individual Consultation through the solutions of Callpage sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw (account widget and CallPage Meetings) located on the Site.
    2. Making an appointment for an Individual Consultation is tantamount to concluding a contract for the provision of services by electronic means, the subject of which is the provision of Individual Consultations by the Service Provider.
    3. If the User wishes to order an Individual Consultation in the form of a telephone call, he/she is required to provide the telephone number to be called by a Company employee and activate the "call me" button.
    4. If the User wishes to schedule an Individual Consultation in the form of an online meeting, he/she is required to:
      1. provide the following personal information: First and Last Name, Business Address - Email, Company Name and additionally may provide a telephone number and activate the "schedule a consultation" button.
      2. selecting the date and time of the meeting according to the calendar displayed on the banner and confirming it.
    5. Making an appointment for an Individual Consultation is tantamount to:
      1. User’s consent to the provision of electronic services;/li>
      2. familiarization with and acceptance of the principles of personal data processing contained in the GDPR information clause,
      3. read and accept the Regulations and Policies,
    6. The Service Provider provides the Individual Consultation Service through the Microsoft Teams application.
    7. A User who schedules an Individual Consultation in the form of an online meeting will receive an invitation to the online meeting in the Microsoft Teams application at the e-mail address indicated when scheduling the meeting.
    8. User is not required to have or create a Microsoft Teams account in order to use the Individual Consultation.
    9. Information on the security measures and personal data processing rules applied by Callpage sp. z o.o., based in Warsaw, is available at the following link: https://www.callpage.io/callpage-security-and-data-storage and https://www.callpage.io/privacy-policy.
    10. User may cancel the Individual Consultation Service at any time, which is equivalent to immediate termination of the contract.
    11. In order to cancel the Individual Consultation Service, User must:
      1. cancel an appointment or phone call through the appropriate CallPage application ; or
      2. send an e-mail message to: contact@ttpsc.pl containing a statement of cancellation of the Service.
  • § 9 Form for people interested in working for TT PSC

    1. A User using the Site, has the opportunity to submit his/her resume and cover letter to participate in recruitment processes or to ask a recruitment-related question via the contact form.
    2. Enabling the submission of a resume and cover letter is free of charge.
    3. In order to upload a resume, the User should select a job offer of interest published on the Service Provider’s website and click on the tile containing the offer. After clicking, the User will be redirected to a sub-page containing a detailed description of the job offer with the option to apply. After clicking “Apply”, the User will be redirected to a page containing an application form.
    4. In order to apply, for the advertised job position, the User is required to fill out the form referred to in point c) above, attach his/her resume and send the form to the Service Provider via the e-Recruiter application.
    5. The conclusion of the contract for electronic provision on the subject of submitting a resume occurs when the User activates the “Send” button, after correctly completing the fields of the form.
    6. Notwithstanding the above, a User interested in working with the Service Provider has the option of contacting the HR department via the contact form located at https://kariera.ttpsc.com/en/form/. In such case, the provisions of § 4 of the Regulations shall apply accordingly.
    7. The User has the right to opt-out of the Service at any time and request the removal of his/her resume from one or all, including future, recruitments by sending an e-mail requesting the removal of the resume to the Service Provider’s e-mail address: recruitment@ttpsc.pl.
    8. In the case referred to in point g) above, the Service Provider shall be under an absolute obligation to delete any personal data of Users collected for the purpose of providing the above Service.
    9. The Service Provider additionally informs Users who are Consumers that:
      1. The Service Provider will communicate with the User by e-mail at the address indicated in the Career form or by telephone at the telephone number indicated in the Career form. The e-mail address is treated as the primary means of contact with the User.
      2. The contact details of the Service Provider are as follows: University Business Park, Building B, Wolczanska Street 180, 90-530 Lodz; e-mail: contact@ttpsc.com, phone number: +48 661 799 553.
      3. The functionalities of the form that the User may use include sending a resume to the Service Provider via e – Recruiter.
      4. The service does not require the use of special computer hardware or software, which would differ from those typically used to submit resumes.
      5. The Service Provider shall be liable for the compliance of the offered services with the contract (i.e. the content of the Regulations and any other agreements with the User) under the general rules of the applicable legislation.
      6. The User has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within 14 days from the date of its conclusion. The statement of withdrawal should be submitted in writing to the email address: . The User may use the model withdrawal form attached as Appendix No. 2 to the Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014. To meet the deadline it is sufficient to send the withdrawal information before the 14-day period.
      7. There is a possibility for a User who is a Consumer to use out-of-court procedures for handling complaints and pursuing claims. The relevant procedures in this regard are available, among others, at the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and at www.uokik.gov.pl.
  • § 10 Downloadable Materials Service

    1. A User using the Site has the opportunity to download free of charge informational materials related to the Service Provider’s offerings and digital technologies for industry or business, which are located on the Site.
    2. The download of materials is equivalent to the conclusion of a contract for the provision of electronic services, the subject of which is the one-time provision of digital content by the Service Provider.
    3. To download materials, please:
      1. have an active Business E-mail Address,
      2. use a device that has access to the Internet with an installed and properly configured current version of a web browser,
      3. complete the electronic form available on the Site,
      4. accept the Regulations by checking the checkbox next to the message: “I have read the Privacy Policy and the Regulations for the provision of electronic services and the information clause and accept their content “,
      5. activate the “Send” button.
    4. Submitting the form is equivalent to:
      1. User’s consent to the Service Provider’s electronic provision of the Service;
      2. familiarization with and acceptance of the principles of personal data processing contained in the GDPR information clause,
      3. read and accept the Regulations and Policies.
    5. After submitting the completed form, the downloadable materials will automatically save to the User’s disk in PDF format.
    6. The Service Provider grants the User a royalty-free, non-exclusive and territorially unlimited license to the downloaded materials, allowing the use of the materials to the extent of recording the work by saving it in the memory of the device and for personal use.
    7. The User has no right to send or otherwise make available downloaded materials to third parties. The above prohibition does not apply to the sharing of materials within the framework of the company represented by the User.
    8. The Service Provider stipulates that the materials provided are for informational and illustrative purposes only. The Service Provider is not responsible for the treatment of the materials in question by Users as individually given advice on digital technologies. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use by Users of the information contained in the materials.
  • § 11 Survey Service

    1. The contract for the Survey Service is concluded for a definite period of time and is terminated when the User's answers provided to the questions in the survey located on the Site are analyzed and a sales offer is presented to the User.
    2. The conclusion of the contract for the provision of the Survey Service occurs when the User activates the "Submit" button, after the User has correctly filled in the fields of the Survey, i.e. by:
      1. providing personal data required by the Survey, in particular: first name, last name, Service e-mail address, company name,
      2. answering the questions in the survey,
      3. ticking the check button on reading and accepting the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and reading the GDPR information clause.
    3. Completion by the User of the actions indicated in letter b) above, is equivalent to:
      1. the User's consent to the electronic provision of the Survey Service - including the use of his/her responses for the development and improvement of the Service Provider's business and the adaptation of the sales offer to individual customer needs or market demand;
      2. familiarization with and acceptance of the principles of personal data processing contained in the GDPR information clause,
      3. familiarization with and acceptance of the Regulations and Privacy Policy.
    4. The User has the right to cancel the Survey Service before obtaining a sales offer.
    5. Cancellation of the Survey Service, referred to in paragraph (f) above, consists in sending a statement on cancellation of the Survey Service to the Data Controller at the following email address: contact@ttpsc.com from the electronic address (email) that was submitted in the Survey.
  • § 12 Liability of the Service Provider

    1. The Service Provider shall ensure and undertake that the operation of the computer system it uses provides the possibility of using the Services in a manner that prevents unauthorized access to the content and data processed in the use of the Services.
    2. The Service Provider is not responsible for:
      1. interruptions in access to the Services, resulting from necessary technical and administrative activities,
      2. for disruptions in the operation of the Internet, Internet supply and interruption of access to services in cases caused by force majeure,
      3. damage caused to third parties as a result of the Users’ use of the Services in a manner contrary to the Regulations and the provisions of generally applicable law.
    3. In the event that the Service Provider receives notification of the unlawful nature of the stored data that was provided to the Service Provider by the User and prevents access to such data by the relevant public administration or law enforcement agency. The Service Provider shall not be liable to the User for any damage resulting from the inability to access such data.
  • § 13 Termination of the contract for the provision of Services

    1. The User has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of Services under the terms described in the preceding paragraphs.
    2. The Service Provider may discontinue the continued provision of all or any Services at any time.
  • § 14 Complaints

    1. In matters related to the malfunction of the Site in connection with the Services covered by these Regulations, Users have the right to file a complaint.
    2. Complaints should be submitted to:
      1. in writing to the address: Transition Technologies PSC S.A., University Business Park, Building B, Wolczanska Street 180, 90-530 Lodz; or
      2. by email to: contact@ttpsc.com.
    3. The complaint should include:
      1. contact details of the person submitting the complaint necessary to send a response to the complaint, i.e.: name and surname of the User, e-mail address-if the response to the complaint is to be provided electronically or mailing address-if the response to the complaint is to be provided in writing,
      2. description of irregularities in the Service and expectations for resolution.
    4. Complaints will be processed within 14 days of their receipt by the Service Provider.
    5. The Service Provider will immediately notify the complainant of the decision on the complaint by e-mail to the e-mail address provided in the application or by registered mail to the address indicated in the complaint.
  • § 15 Final provisions

    1. The Service Provider is entitled to amend the Regulations, for valid reasons, including, in particular, changes in the provisions of the law to the extent affecting the implementation of the provisions and changes in the services provided.
    2. The amended Regulations are binding on the User if the User has been properly notified of the changes, i.e. by sending information about the changes to the Regulations to the User’s e-mail address indicated in the form, at least 14 days prior to the effective date of the changes and the User has not terminated the agreement for provision of services by electronic means within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the notification. The User may terminate the agreement by sending a termination statement to the email address: contact@ttpsc.com.
    3. The regulations shall come into force as of 11.03.2024.
  • Appendix No. 1  - Information on specific risks associated with the use by Users of Services provided electronically by TT PSC

    In fulfillment of its obligation under Article 6(1) of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of Services by electronic means (i.e. Journal of Laws 2020, item 344, as amended), TT PSC S.A. informs that:

    1. Users’ use of electronically provided Services involves specific risks.
    2. The primary risks of using the Internet include:
      1. Malicious software (malware) – various types of applications or scripts that have harmful, criminal or malicious effects on a network User’s ICT system, such as viruses, worms, trojans (Trojan horses), keyloggers, dialers
      2. spyware – programs that track a User’s activities and collect information about the User and send it – usually without the User’s knowledge or consent – to the program’s author;
      3. spam – unsolicited and unsolicited e-mails sent simultaneously to multiple recipients, often containing advertising content;
      4. phishing for sensitive personal information (e.g., passwords) by impersonating a trustworthy person or institution (phishing),
      5. hacking into a User’s ICT system using such hacking tools as exploits and rootkits, among others.
    3. These risks may only occur potentially, but should be taken into account, despite TT PSC S.A.’s measures to protect TT PSC S.A.’s infrastructure from unauthorized third parties.
    4. The User, in order to avoid the aforementioned risks, should equip his computer and other electronic devices he uses when connecting to the Internet with an antivirus program. Such program should be constantly updated.
    5. A higher level of protection against threats related to Users’ use of electronically provided Services is also provided by enabling the system firewall in the settings of the operating system the User is using
Date of last update of the regulations: 25.06.2024

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