_Semiconductor Chemical Manufacturing Enhances Process Quality with Predictive Analytics


Manufacturing, Electronics and Semiconductors


  • Quality improvement
  • Process monitoring
  • Predictive analysis


IoT, Cloud


  • Gain in prediction accuracy to 98.8%
  • Improvement in product quality
  • Increase in customer satisfaction

Company Overview

  • $2B revenue 
  • 8K employees worldwide 
  • 40+ site locations 


This semiconductor industry leader, known for strict quality standards, faced increasing customer expectations for chemical filtration process consistency. To address this challenge TT PSC configured technologies that would: 

  • Determine process parameters of highest quality batches. 
  • Predict when process deviates from expected ideal path. 


TT PSC provided a comprehensive solution from data modeling to dashboards for presenting results, including: 

  • Analyzed historical data in Amazon Redshift to identify key process influencers. 
  • Leveraged advanced analytics and machine learning to model filtration quality and consistency. 
  • Developed a predictive model for the filtration process using AWS SageMaker. 
  • Implemented real-time monitoring dashboards. 


By leveraging AWS services and ThingWorx, the semiconductor industry leader was delivered with a solution resulting in: 

  • Achieved 98.8% accuracy in predicting ideal process parameters. 
  • Ensured consistent quality and reduced variability as confirmed by lab measurements. 
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction by confirming process quality prior to delivery to customers. 


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