According to the report ”Smart Industry Polska” published in 2018, Polish entrepreneurs invest on average 14,5% of income in advanced technologies. The most popular solutions which are believed to bring more profit and improve efficiency are currently automation mechanisms. Lower in the list, one can find i.a.: data analytics, software reducing the cost of prototyping and launching new products in the market, the Internet of Things as well as robotization of production lines. Regardless of implemented tools, every company needs an environment where they can embed their own processes and manage them. A perfect tool for that is Jira and other Atlassian products. Jira Data Center is an advanced solution for businesses which additionally need the guarantee of constant software operation.

Jira Data Center is…
… cluster environment where Jira Service Management, Jira Core or Jira Software by Atlassian are maintained (often facilitated with additional tools, depending on company’s needs). It means that the company have their software not on one server only, but on two or more of them. Each server has its twin version of the same work environment. Because of that, at the moment of upgrading or other maintenance works, the business works without any pauses – ”free” server substitutes for the ”busy” one which is not possible to notice or realize from the user’s perspective.
Jira Data Center eliminated the risk of downtime caused, for example, by updates or system breakdown
Solution such as Data Center is necessary for companies where work environment is so called critical system, which means that every mistake or downtime have influence on the general performance of the company and it generates loss. It can be felt especially in companies which have a complex system for service and communication of not only internal processes, but also external ones (e.g. Jira Service Management). Such companies cannot afford for the lack of touch with clients and/or between organization’s units; they care for continuous information flow, which is crucial for particular jobs. A good example of such businesses are e.g. banks, online shops, logistic companies which deal with goods distribution, as well as big, automated manufacturing plants. Jira Data Center model prevents companies from organization chaos, works well in distributed infrastructure even if particular branches of the company are located in different places and different time zones, as well as it meets the highest quality standards.
Jira Data Center is a tool of ”disaster recovery” type, which works well in distributed infrastructure
Safety and scalability
Having instance in multi-nod environment is a safe solution. Jira Data Center meets the highest IT and GDPR standards. The advantage of Data Center solution is possibility of sharing tasks between particular nods so that they could be unburdened, e.g. one can redirect addressing API to one of them, while the rest will serve users. An important asset of Jira Data Center is its scalability – the number of servers can grow with company’s development.
Jira Data Center is a scalable solution – it grows with your company’s development
Atlassian Data Center
Atlassian, as a producer of solutions which can be configured to improve performance of companies from different fields and with various needs, recommends and encourages implementing Data Center model in companies. All the key systems and applications of the Australian producer are customized, tested and upgraded in terms of efficiency necessary for Data Center. Implementing work environment consisting of Atlassian tools in a company means not only great and useful tools which will make daily work in different departments of a company easier, but it is also a possibility of scaling, which means developing or expanding the software as the needs of the company grow, without any decrease in quality of efficiency. Data Center guarantees that the software will not fail even when it will have to process huge amount of data, and the users will not feel any inconvenience related to e.g. software upgrade.
Atlassian tools are customized to the needs of Data Center solution
Jira in Data Center model is recommended for clients with the number of above one thousand users. Experience shows that above this number, the tool becomes an important part of a daily work and its high availability plays a significant role. The number of tickets also grows in a fast pace which can cause problems with efficiency and stability as well.
Piotr Tokarski
Competence Center Director, TT PSC.
Data Center – what problems does it solve?
We know that the best examples and arguments are those which address the core of real needs and problems of our clients. That is why we have prepared a few frequent situations met by companies, which can be improved owing to Atlassian environment implementation in Data Center model:
Complicated archiving made with the use of scripts written with one’s own fair hands, which has to be controlled from time to time.
DC has built-in settings for archiving, it’s just enough to configure them – this is what TT PSC Atlassian specialists do as implementation service.
Dynamic development of a company, growth of the number of users and tickets or fusion with another company, which causes increase of the amount of data and brings about problems with efficiency of current tools.
Data Center is scalable which makes it possible to customize work environment quickly to the needs of dynamically growing organization.
The company has a lot of integrations, which makes constant activating API slow down the software for standard users.
In DC solution, you can redirect such inquires to one chosen nod, while the rest will serve well for casual users’ service.
Overload of the system in the most intensive moments (for example, between 9 and 10 during morning status meetings and stand-ups in a company)
It is easy to (especially in case of hosting on AWS) increase available software resources (processor power, RAM memory) in the hours when the system is being overloaded and slows down.
Data Center, crucial benefits:
- High availability of the tools because of cluster solutions.
- Lack of unavailability of the software during upgrades.
- Scalable solution (possibility of adding another servers).
- Digital transformation – the tool allows for close cooperation between teams and for information exchange on one platform.
- Support for distributed teams – work in different countries and different time zones.
- Meets IT and safety requirements (including GDPR).
- Advanced eligibility and users management.
- Possibility of choosing of installation model (own hosting, cloud).
- Tool of disaster recovery type.
- Software of self-service type, which means software that can be managed by the client and a lot of permissions can be delegated to a user.
Jira Data Center – eine Lösung, die nicht enttäuscht. Was ist das und warum lohnt es sich, in es zu investieren?