2019 summary and growth perspectives in unexpected circumstances
Intensive development, constantly growing team of specialists, new technologies, locations (also outside of Poland), global clients and partners – that’s how we could sum up 2019.
It’s been almost 50 years since the Apollo 13 mission and the famous (though erroneous) quote “Houston, we have a problem”. Luckily, scientists and astronauts were then able to successfully resolve the situation, helping the latter to return home safely. Today, it is IoT that might help solve modern-day problems in Houston’s Oil & Gas industry.
Wednesday morning at the ThingEvent in Houston, TX, brought together two groups of people who were yet to collaborate on a broader scale: representatives of the Oil & Gas industry and the PTC ecosystem led by PTC itself. The first group, operating in a billion-dollar, economy-critical business is looking to tackle quite a few challenges laid ahead of them. The latter, known mostly in manufacturing, owner of the world’s best IoT and AR solutions for the industry. The goal for both of them was to find common ground, as both of the aforementioned technologies provide a great promise to boost operational efficiency and reduced costs.
That was the theme of the event and the agenda set by organizers was focused on just that: helping Oil&Gas reach new heights through the adoption of what is already being successfully deployed across the manufacturing industry. An impressive list of speakers included some top minds in research, as well as people responsible for pushing the technology forward in the actual business. All in all, every attendee in a fully occupied conference room could get his/her share of inspiration, answers and ideas.
Implementing anything resembling the IoT in the Oil&Gas was close to impossible in previous years. Now, with both hardware and software technologies advancing so rapidly, we finally have the tools to do that. Reaching new levels of operational efficiency, limiting (or even eliminating!) human errors and unplanned downtime, significantly reducing costs and increasing revenue… All of this and much more is within reach. You just need to know who to reach out to.
P.S. Yes, it’s true. Texas does have cars with horns. I can’t help but wonder how would a real bull behave if he saw something like this.
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